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Captain Freedom: the Novel, Excerpts and Spin-offs

Posted February 11, 2009

Last Tuesday my novel "Captain Freedom - A superhero's Quest for Truth, Justice and the Celebrity He So Richly Deserves (Harper)" hit stores and internets. Here's some fun additional stuff. And you can buy it too using this handy link.

Comedy Central has an excerpt about all the perils of... Time Travel.

McSweeney's has a piece on the Superhero Library

Captain Freedom talks about how to choose a secret identity for Broken Frontier

Asylum featured the "Good Parts"

Captain Freedom explains to Medium@Large whether saving the Cheerleader really saves the World

And if you haven't seen it, make sure to check out Captain Freedom's own blog, the Taste of Freedom.



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G is for Gangsta (comedy album)


Captain Freedom (novel)

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